Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Jolts and other Blows

If you are a "friend" of mine on Facebook, or in real life for that matter, then you know about the accident Mac had on the 6th day of school. It was a freaky accident by my "freak of nature" oldest child. Freaky because the basketball hoop, backboard and 4foot of pipe broke off and landed on his nose. Freak of nature because MY kid can jump high enough to hang on the rim of a basketball goal. Mac sure has been brave through all of this. He's stronger than we ever thought he was, both physically and emotionally. He's learned alot about patience and accepting the hand life deals you. He was really looking forward to football this year. So were Trey & I. While the entire season is not out of the question, most of the season will have been spent on the sidelines. He's made every practice (if he's been at school) and huddles with his team during the game. We've learned alot, too....staying calm in a crisis, trusting doctors, keeping a positive attitude (both for Mac and each other). There is still alot of football in his future. No matter what life brings you Big Mac, know that your Dad and I will ALWAYS be behind you supporting you and cheering you on!

August and September have also challenged us in the car department. Now that our vehicles are paid for they have decided to cause trouble. Alternators, air conditioners, batteries and broken locks.....I sure hope that's it for now. And I am NOT getting a new car. I love my Excursion and since they don't make them any longer, I'll be driving this one until the wheels fall off. OH MY...I hope that's not next!!!!

The Aggies lost.

And to top it all off, last Saturday my camera bag with my paparazzi camera and lens, my video camera and about 30 memory cards were stolen out of my car (the one with the broken lock). After the shock, I was mad and then I just let it go. There was nothing I could do about it. If the person who did this is reading this post, please take my memory cards back to the Weesatche Hall. You can keep the cameras, but I would like MY MEMORIES back.

On a brighter note, Weston made his first reception for a touchdown, caught a pass for an extra point and recovered a fumble for lots of yardage. So proud of you Weston! I caught it all on tape, but.......

Yes, I'm upset about some of the blows and jolts that have happened over the past month or so. But I'll get over that. Focusing on what matters most (health, happiness and making memories with my family) will be what I remember most. I'll forget about the car trouble, the Aggies losing and my camera bag getting jacked, but I won't forget Mac's accident and what it taught us. And I will remember Weston's first touchdown!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

We Are a 4-H Family

I remember the year that I joined 4-H. I was in 4th grade. My projects were food and nutrition and lambs. My mom and I worked together to make a dish that was healthy but yummy and I had to learn what kinds of nutrients were in the dish and be able to tell the judges about it. My dad and my Uncle Andy helped me choose a sheep that I would learn to feed, set-up and exercise. It was a great first year and both of my projects were 1st place worthy.

While I remember joining and what my projects were, I don't remember WHY I joined. However, once I was in, I wasn't leaving. 4-H was so interesting to me. Learning about something new, telling others about what I learned and being in the stock show just felt right for me.

Trey was also active in 4-H. He showed lambs too and shot guns. Go figure, boy stuff! He joined because his mom had been a 4-H member in Goliad and she was the 4-H program assistant in Goliad. So it made sense for him to be in 4-H. Julie was such an inspiration to so many young people, including me.

4-H was such a huge part of our lives. If we, Trey & I, weren't busy with school and athletic activities, we were busy with 4-H activities. The funny thing is we didn't even know each other but we were both building a foundation of involvement and service that would lead to much more.

In 1989, I attended District 14, now D-11, Leadership Lab in Brownwood, TX. I was going to run for a district office. It was the first time I had ever tried for such a position, and I was very nervous. It was so much fun! The Texas 4-H Center holds great memories for me, but the best one is meeting my husband there. He was running for District President. Well, he had my vote! I vividly remember calling my mom on the pay phone and telling her about this good looking guy from Goliad who was a lifeguard and had lines in his hair (don't ask, but oh they were hot!).

Soooo.....the ending of the story is the President and his Secretary fell in love, went to college on 4-H scholarships and got married. Awww!

Then they had kids. And why not sign them up for 4-H, too! Our boys are enjoying this organization as much as we did. They are learning and serving and becoming positive members! We are so proud and feel things are heading full-circle!

Last night at the 4-H banquet, Weston was awarded the Bronze Star for his involvement, interviewing abilities and hard work. We are proud of his achievement, but also know that the best is yet to come. We tell the boys that they don't need to win awards to encourage them or make them feel good. Involvement and service to others are the awards everyday! Mac and Weston each feel like there is more to do, and they are anxious to get busy doing!

The 4-H motto, "To Make the Best Better" is a great reminder that our work here is never done. We all should strive to keep growing, learning and doing and trying to make our best even better. That doesn't always mean aiming for the top award or getting Grand Champion. For us it means making ourselves better people by what we say, think and do. We tell the boys people will remember how you make them feel and what your character is like more than what awards you win.

So, yes we are VERY proud of Weston and the award he was presented. But we are a 4-H family who is proud of the fine young men our boys are becoming, thanks greatly in part to their involvement in 4-H.

We are a 4-H family! Nothing could be better!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's been a while

Here is a post in pictures of what we've been up to since January... I know, I know. Why haven't I posted since then. Well take a look and you'll see why!

Celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary in June...

Had fun playing and coaching basketball....

Ate alot of crab...

Played with the sea lions...

Spent some time together and with Gail, our "sister"....

Acted like frogs...

Talked to some dinosaurs...

Visited Moody Gardens...

Showed off our muscles...

celebrated Nana's birthday...

Swam with our cousins...

Dug in the sand....

Went to the beach...

Looked cool....

Hugged our look-a-likes....

Drove a tractor...

Rode some rides...

and some escalators...

Tried on some hats....

Fed some birds at the zoo....

Went to Aggie football camp....

Led the student body....

Got some awards....

Posed with Revielle...

Chatted with the President....

Went to the library....

Opened some presents....

Blew out some candles...

Played some tennis...

Acquired some hoof print battle scars...

From trying to catch a calf (and he did!)...

Baked some cookies and made some money....

Chased some pigs....

Won a buckle....

Played some more basketball....

Ran track and won medals.....

Played some defense.....

Celebrated Mimi's 90th birthday....


Looked sweet and cute....

Played video games with the cousin...

Completed swim lessons successfully....

Passed the football....

Caught the football....

Got some MVP awards...

Beasted on the kickball field....

Planted a garden....

Became an NJHS member...

Spent time with my day (glad he's healthy).

So now we are all caught up. Summer is flying by. School will be here before we know and we will start this all over again!