Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Archery was Awesome

Another sport has also been finished for 2009....archery. I have to say I enjoyed watching the boys learn about this sport. They have really learned about patience, perseverance and setting goals.

Weston finished the season with a 1st place win at the District Tournament. I'm not sure how many were in his group, but I know it was more than 8. He also graduated at this tournament, shooting a 252. This means next year he gets to shoot 18 meters! Way to go Dead Eye!!!
Mac did a great come-back job at district. He had a frustrating first round, but came alive the 2nd half. He shot a 332 and placed 4th out of a large class! GOOD shooting!!!

The boys have also made a very special friend. Kayla is such a great person and she has taught them so much this year. She is one of the best archers (is that the right word?) in the country, that's right, I mean USA, and she just so happens to live in our town. She is one of the best young people I have had the opportunity to know. She graduates in May and heads to Aggieland (another reason we like her so much!). We will really miss her next year, but look forward to seeing her at Aggie football games! Love you Kayla!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to see an update from you. I was beginning to wonder.... :) Happy New Year
