Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I have a really great extended family. I'm very close to my mom's side. It's easy to be close to them.....their personalities are big, fun, loving and helpful. My mom's two sisters were very involved in my life growing up and although we don't spend alot of time together, with busy schedules, kids and grandkids, any time they are around I smile and feel good! I also get somewhat transported in time. Being around them makes me feel like a kid again in many ways because we talk about those memories. But I also experience something new. A new relationship and bond between mothers. They love my boys as if they were their own. They smile with pride and joy at the funny things the boys say or the great things they accomplish. They share advice at the right times and their hugs are reassuring. They love the Lord and the way they life their lives is proof of their belief and trust in God.

My aunt Wilma. I call her Auntie.

My aunt Lisa. Lovingly called Lala.

I don't know what inspired me to write this post, but it really doesn't matter.
Auntie and Lala.....I love you both very much! Thanks for loving me all this time! For being there from the beginning, helping mom name me, including me in your wedding, giving me a job, trusting me with your baby boy in the summer time....but mostly thanks for being YOU!!

Your oldest [ & 1st favorite =) ] neice,

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Being the leader

This boys sweats like his daddy!

Weston's basketball face

Here is the current record for Mac and Weston

Green team (Mac) 3-0
Maroon team (Wes) 2-1

Now enjoy some more pics

Thursday, February 18, 2010

How Tall?????

One of the rather tall teachers at school today said,"Well, it's official Karie. Mac is taller than I am." Now, she's tall (relative to me). So when I told this bit of info to Trey he suggested we do a height check. Here are the results

Walker.............4 foot 1 inches (grew 3 1/2 inches in 1 year)
Weston............4 foot 10 1/2 inches (grew 2 1/2 inches in 1 year)
Mac..................5 foot 9 inches ( grew 4 inches in 1 year) He's 5'9 1/2" in boots

Now, I don't know about you or your kids, but my 5, almost 10 and most definetely 12 year old ...... yeah, they're tall!!! Mac passed my up a loooooong time ago and Weston is chasing me. Think about it. If Mac grows 4 inches again in the coming year, he will be 6'2" in the 7th grade! Holy guacamole!!!!

Tall people make me happy...........especially the tall people I gave birth to!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010


I am in Galveston at a school counselor conference......missing my family. So I thought I'd finish my list

I love..........


people who have something important to say

a good night's sleep

comfortable shoes





Talking on the phone with my kids

a good book

sight seeing

a fresh haircut

a massage

watching the Olympics (and the Olympic song...makes me feel proud)

new jewelry

pants that are too big :-)

sitting by a fire



taking trips with the fam


a clean car


Friday, February 12, 2010

Love is in the Air

I just read Pioneer Woman's blog and she inspired me to make a list of the things I love. And since today was jam packed with Valentine parties at school, and I'm still a tad bit hyped up on list may be a wee bit long. But I love lists!! Oops, already started. Ok, here it goes...

I love...........


my 3 boys

red roses that smell like roses


fresh cut grass

Steel Magnolias

long hot baths

the smell of new boots

my mom's homemade salmon patties

girls night out

Wimberly wine

listening to my boys laugh together

my job

my nephews (and the niece or nephew on the way)

Bath and Body works plug ins

a clean house

newborn puppies

watching my boys play sports

being a mom

my mom

my dad

my mother in law Julie (boy I miss her so much)

watching home movies


dancing with my honey

listening to old country music

my brother (He's still a terd, but I love him anyway)

my big car that drinks lots of gas but is safe and roomy

the Lord

Walk the Line

Debbie McComber books



Dr. Pepper

my iPhone

chubby cheeks

positive people



rainy days at home

the first day of school


looking at pictures

spring time

bleu cheese


There's more. And there is no order to what I listed. I wrote it as it came to mind

to be continued............

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Makes me smile =)

Walker has provided us, the family, and Mrs. Lala, the teacher (have I told you how much we LOVE Mrs. Lala?) with several smiles lately. He is so clever.

Last week he was having a difficult time paying attention in class, daydreaming and such. One particular day he had to pull a color for daydreaming a little too much, but had pulled it together by the end of the day, so Mrs. Lala dismissed the color change and proceeded to put a happy face stamp in his daily behavior log. She saw him really studying his chart and asked him what he was doing. Here is the conversation:

Mrs. L : "Walker, what are you looking at?"

Walker: "Oh, I'm just checking out my options."

What? Options? Where did you learn that word? And what ARE your options pray-tell?

Mrs. Lala got a good laugh out of this conversation, too:

After watching Walker for several minutes, Mrs Lala decided he must have something on his mind as it appeared he was pondering something.

Mrs. L: "Walker, what are you thinking about?"

Walker: "Well Mrs. Lala, I think I figured out why I wasn't paying attention the other day."

Mrs. L: "Really, Walker? Tell me what it was."

Walker: "My dad forgot to give me my vitamin. I need my vitamin to pay attention."

Oh if only a vitamin would solve all my problems so easily!!!

And tonight, I had a great laugh courtesy of Mr. One-Liner himself!

Walker: "Mom, can I have the last piece of cake now? I ate all my supper."

Me: "Let me see how big it is.....Okay, but don't eat it all. Save some for me, alright?"

WAlker: "You got it Mom."

10 minutes later he comes into the room I'm in carrying the EMPTY container, but before I even realize he's there or that he's eaten all of the cake, he walks up to me and says.....

"Sorry Mom, I didn't hear what you said." Hee, hee! Big cheesy smile!

I busted out laughing....what else could I do?

And to boot, about 15 minutes after that......

Walker: "Mom. Knock Knock."

Me: "Who's there?"

Walker: "Sorry Mom, I didn't hear what you said."

Hardy Har Har!!!!