Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I have a really great extended family. I'm very close to my mom's side. It's easy to be close to them.....their personalities are big, fun, loving and helpful. My mom's two sisters were very involved in my life growing up and although we don't spend alot of time together, with busy schedules, kids and grandkids, any time they are around I smile and feel good! I also get somewhat transported in time. Being around them makes me feel like a kid again in many ways because we talk about those memories. But I also experience something new. A new relationship and bond between mothers. They love my boys as if they were their own. They smile with pride and joy at the funny things the boys say or the great things they accomplish. They share advice at the right times and their hugs are reassuring. They love the Lord and the way they life their lives is proof of their belief and trust in God.

My aunt Wilma. I call her Auntie.

My aunt Lisa. Lovingly called Lala.

I don't know what inspired me to write this post, but it really doesn't matter.
Auntie and Lala.....I love you both very much! Thanks for loving me all this time! For being there from the beginning, helping mom name me, including me in your wedding, giving me a job, trusting me with your baby boy in the summer time....but mostly thanks for being YOU!!

Your oldest [ & 1st favorite =) ] neice,


  1. Proud mommy moment is at hand. I really love this girl.

  2. Sniff sniff. I love you too Karie. I'm so proud of the woman you have become.
    Love, Lala

  3. You. You are the realization of what a mother (and her sisters) hopes a daughter will grow up to become. I love who you are, my April!


  4. What a nice post. Aunts are very special people.
