Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Just relax...

Test over! It wasn't as bad as I built it up in my mind. That's probably because every single one of my friends was praying for me and my mom lifted me in prayer during a big-time church thing. I feel so silly for all of that, actually. I'm certain there are more important things to pray about than me passing a test. I mean, come on! It's not a life or death thing! But, I appreciate and am humbled by it all! Now I can relax. I'll know in two weeks how I did.

A victorious weekend was had by both the boys' teams. Weston's team won 33-12. He fired off that line (does that sound like Trey or what) and had several great tackles and a sack. Mac's team was just too much for the opponent with a 47-0 win. I cannot get over how quick he is! He loves this game!

Trey & his boys!

Mac made a great one-handed catch!

Trying to catch the extra point pass.

Weston kicking off!

The boys also competed in an archery tournament last week. Wes shot a 214 and Mac a 362. Wes shoots 9 meters and 30 arrows. Mac shoots 18 meters and 60 arrows. I don't know their standings, but they both shot their personal bests.

Weston scoring his end!

It's Red Ribbon Week here in TX. This is a week we dedicate to focusing on staying drug free. At school we have themes for each day of the week. Yesterday was "i can be drug free" and the kids brought canned goods. Today was "put a cap on drugs" and could wear hats, caps or wigs. Too cute! Here is Walker's hat. Weston wore is Tom Landry hat and Mac wore a cap. I wore a socerer's hat. Tomorrow we wear camo and "join the fight against drugs" We will also have a musical presentation. Thursday is "stay in the game; stay drug free" and we'll wear jearsey and Friday is "sock it to drugs". Wear crazy socks and the big boys get to have a sock hop. The Red Ribbon Parade will also happen that day! Whew........lots going on!!!

I'll have more pics from the rest of the week's activities. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy have that hated test behind me......and relaxing!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I hate tests. I hate that I have to take a B-I-G test on Saturday. I hate that it is about stuff a bunch of dead guys thought up a long time ago. I hate that it is a test that matters. I hate that I have to spend a Saturday morning in front of a computer to take this test. I hate that I am not prepared for this test. I hate tests.

There.......now I feel better. Well, not really, but at least I got that off my chest.

Pray for me to pull it together and do good on said hated test.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Where did October go?

I just realized I haven't made a post since September. What!!??!! I know they say "time flies when you're having fun" but I don't remember having that much fun.

So here goes a little synopsis of our October happenings.

* Played a lot of football. Not me, but the boys! We've won some and lost some. Mac and Weston have played AWESOME each week. I'm a proud OEM, that's Over Exuberant Mom, for all you Banquete alums.

*Mac has had a few injuries, but they haven't set him back on the field. His hand has been smashed between helmets a few times to the point that he has a large knot on the top of his hand. A couple weeks ago he hurt his ankle and toe. I really think he broke his big toe, but we didn't find out officially. Besides, what do they do for a big toe anyway? And there was no way he was going to miss a game.

*Celebrated 4-H. The annual 4-H festival was the first weekend of the month. Then it was 4-H meeting and One Day 4-H. Lots of 4-H happening this month.

*Mac got a deer. A nice 10 pointer.

*Bullseye. The boys are loving archery. Weston competed in his first district wide competition last week. He was nervous and was using borrowed equipment, but he found he groove and shot 193. That was super for his first time out.

*Hosted Oktoberfest party. We have done this with Trey's family for several years now. It is a nice evening and fun to be with friends and family. Grown ups only.

*Walker has lost another tooth and makes us smile all the time!

* Study!!! This weekend is a big one for me. I will take my comprehensive final to get out of college. Right now, I have MAJOR senior-itis. I really want to be out of school and get me life back. Please say a quick prayer for me for Saturday morning.

We seem to live one day at a time around here. There isn't much long term planning going on, except that our Saturdays have been booked with football since August. Once games are over, I wonder what we will do on the weekends. I'm already looking forward to the holidays and seeing my brother and his family, sleeping late, wearing warm pj's cause it's cold outside, seeing the Hedgpeth familia at the river (the whole crew and that's a large amount of people), and getting back to church (that is a big hole I need to fill right now).

Here are a couple of pics of the latest football games.

Mac is in the center of the picture tackling the runner.

Almost as tall as dad!

Weston had 3 huge QB sacks at his game. These are the
war marks that he checks on his helmet after every game.

And here's a picture of Walker....just for fun!