Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A sock hop & a hayride...

We wrapped up Red Ribbon Week with an old fashioned sock hop. It was old fashioned in the sense that we wore socks to dance in the gym, but the music was very up to date. It was also crazy sock day "Sock it to drugs". Talk about fun! Our principal did have to explain that it was a dance because so many kids were just running around the gym. They had NO idea what to do at a sock hop! We danced and screamed and had a blast! Good fun for everyone. I think we'll do that again.

The fearless leaders of GIS. We can shake a tail feather!

Mac requested that I buy him these socks.
Pink and white striped knee length!

Weston in the background showing his break dancing moves that he
learned from Uncle JoJo.

What another fun Halloween. We hosted the hayride again this year. It was the biggest one yet. This year we had two trailers full of kids! The only thing that would have been better was more houses passing out candy. I don't think the kids noticed, though. They literally raced to the front doors and raced back to the trailer! Soooo fun to watch! We ended up on the town square finishing up the trick-or-treating and then stayed to watch the movie on the side of one of the buildings. I love our small town!
Weston was a jail-bird bandit!
He's a cute criminal don't ya think?

Mac was too cool, I mean old, to dress up
so he pulled a trailer with his friends.

Here are two styles for Walker. Up top he was dressed as a pirate.
Below, he was dressed as Napoleon! So versatile!

Football season is officially over! Both teams ended up in third place. We are happy that they did so good, but glad to have our evenings and weekends back! Our focus now will be archery, but that will only be two days a week!

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