Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Makes me smile =)

Walker has provided us, the family, and Mrs. Lala, the teacher (have I told you how much we LOVE Mrs. Lala?) with several smiles lately. He is so clever.

Last week he was having a difficult time paying attention in class, daydreaming and such. One particular day he had to pull a color for daydreaming a little too much, but had pulled it together by the end of the day, so Mrs. Lala dismissed the color change and proceeded to put a happy face stamp in his daily behavior log. She saw him really studying his chart and asked him what he was doing. Here is the conversation:

Mrs. L : "Walker, what are you looking at?"

Walker: "Oh, I'm just checking out my options."

What? Options? Where did you learn that word? And what ARE your options pray-tell?

Mrs. Lala got a good laugh out of this conversation, too:

After watching Walker for several minutes, Mrs Lala decided he must have something on his mind as it appeared he was pondering something.

Mrs. L: "Walker, what are you thinking about?"

Walker: "Well Mrs. Lala, I think I figured out why I wasn't paying attention the other day."

Mrs. L: "Really, Walker? Tell me what it was."

Walker: "My dad forgot to give me my vitamin. I need my vitamin to pay attention."

Oh if only a vitamin would solve all my problems so easily!!!

And tonight, I had a great laugh courtesy of Mr. One-Liner himself!

Walker: "Mom, can I have the last piece of cake now? I ate all my supper."

Me: "Let me see how big it is.....Okay, but don't eat it all. Save some for me, alright?"

WAlker: "You got it Mom."

10 minutes later he comes into the room I'm in carrying the EMPTY container, but before I even realize he's there or that he's eaten all of the cake, he walks up to me and says.....

"Sorry Mom, I didn't hear what you said." Hee, hee! Big cheesy smile!

I busted out laughing....what else could I do?

And to boot, about 15 minutes after that......

Walker: "Mom. Knock Knock."

Me: "Who's there?"

Walker: "Sorry Mom, I didn't hear what you said."

Hardy Har Har!!!!


  1. You got a comedian on your hands. Have a good weekend.

  2. What a great little guy he is - a real blessing to our family. Advise to mom - stay on your toes and enjoy the ride.

